Tru-D UVC germ-eliminating robots selected by two hospitals

by Brianna Crandall — March 2, 2016—Tru-D, supplier of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection devices, announced in recent weeks that two more hospitals are purchasing its Tru-D SmartUVC robots to improve patient and staff safety and health.

High Point Regional

After participating in a CDC-funded, large-scale, multi-hospital study, (BETR-D), High Point Regional has invested in the product validated in the landmark study. Adding to its already strict infection prevention protocols, High Point Regional purchased three Tru-D SmartUVC robots in an effort to reinforce its commitment to patient and staff safety.

A private, not-for-profit healthcare system owned by UNC Health Care, High Point Regional has consistently been on the leading edge of technology, says Tru-D. With state-of-the-art facilities catering to more than 120,000 patients annually, High Point’s goal is to get and keep its patients well. Tru-D will provide an additional level of security and comfort for bringing this mission to life.

The purchase comes just months after results of the Benefits of Enhanced Terminal Room Disinfection (BETR-D) study, reportedly the first randomized, clinical trial on UVC disinfection, were released. High Point Regional was one of nine hospitals that participated in the study, which determined enhanced terminal room disinfection strategies decreased the cumulative incidence of multidrug-resistant organisms by 10 to 30 percent.

Tru-D SmartUVC

Tru-D SmartUVC eliminates germs at Jupiter Medical Center.

In the study, the largest decreases were seen when Tru-D was added to the standard cleaning strategy. Tru-D was selected as the only device used because of its patented technology that eliminates human error and ensures that a proper dose of UV light is distributed throughout the room. The technology can be used to fight such deadly pathogens as C. diff, MRSA, CRE, VRE, MERS, Ebola and many more.

Dubbing the three robots “The Triplets,” High Point Regional is utilizing one Tru-D in the operating room area and one for intensive care units, while the third device is being used as a floater, traveling wherever it is needed to protect the integrity of the environment.

After a hospital staff member cleans a room using traditional methods, Tru-D is rolled in to “finish the job.” The machine is turned on from outside the room using an iPad remote, which features iTru-D, an application that tracks infection control data and simultaneously uploads the information to the hospital’s Web portal.

With patented Sensor360 technology, Tru-D analyzes the unique makeup of the room, including shape, size and contents, and then floods the targeted space (including shadows) with the proper amount of germicidal energy. Tru-D spends the minimum time necessary to confidently eliminate infectious germs from contaminated surfaces before notifying the operator that disinfection is complete.

Jupiter Medical Center

Jupiter Medical Center in Jupiter, Florida, recently bolstered its patient and staff safety measures with two Tru-D SmartUVC robots.

The Tru-D robots were purchased thanks to the generosity of the Medical Center’s Auxiliary. The hospital volunteer group wanted to provide a gift that would have a direct impact on patient care and safety. After thorough research of various automated UVC disinfection systems, the Medical Center chose to purchase Tru-D for its intuitive technology, smart data-tracking capability and proven efficacy in real-world settings.

Tru-D SmartUVC is said to be the only UV disinfection system that delivers an automated, measured dose of UVC to consistently disinfect an entire room from a single position. The patented design ensures 99.99 percent pathogen reduction in direct and shadowed areas and eliminates human error as well as documents disinfection results for each cycle, claims the company. Tru-D has reportedly been validated by more than a dozen scientific third-party studies, including the BETR-D study.